
The 2012 Royal Ascot is Complete
Please look for the 2013 Royal Ascot early next year.

Friday, May 25, 2012

2012 Royal Ascot Contest Finalists

Thank you all for being so patient while we tallied the scores for The 2012 Royal Ascot Contest. It was a highly competitive contest this year. Please join me in sending warm congratulations to this year’s finalists:

Eileen Emerson, Embracing an Unloved Earl
Anna Genest, The Duchess and Mr. Smith
Terri Gibson, Violet Camberwell
Sandra Owens, The Letter
Joanna Shupe, Drawn to the Earl
Amy Villalba, To Pluck a Rose

We will be returning the judged entries this weekend & the finaling manuscripts will be on their way to our final round judges tomorrow.

Stephany Evans, Fine Print Literary
Louise Fury, L Perkins Agency
Pam Hopkins, Hopkins Literary Associates
Editors Lauren Plude, Hachette Book Group
Angela Polidoro, Random House
Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks

Thank you our talented entrants and to our hard-working judges.

The 2012 Royal Ascot Co-Chairs,
Wendy La Capra & Sarah Tormey

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! Congratulations to all, especially my buddy, Anna. SOOOOO happy for you!

