I've given you the basic rules for the Royal Ascot in the Side Bar. But here is some more specific information on submitting, formatting, eligibility, etc:
Regency Definition: set between 1785 and 1830
Setting must be at least partially in the British Empire during the Regency period, or any setting which includes British citizens in any other part of the world during the Regency period.
Entries with strong paranormal or erotic elements are best placed in the Hot and Wild Category. Entries without explicit sex in the story lines would be best placed in the Sweet and Mild category.
Open to all authors who have not been published in romance fiction by RWA PAN standards in the last five years.
Published authors may enter for feedback, but will not be eligible to participate in the final round of judging.
Entry must not be published or contracted in any form at the time of entry.
A previous entry may be entered again if it was not a previous winner of the contest.
An entry may be entered in only one category
Participants may enter more than one manuscript but must submit a separate entry form and fee for each entry.
SIZE: Maximum 30 pages and 8500 words (computer count), to include the story opening and a synopsis not longer than 10 pages. Time Travels should begin where Regency setting begins, with a one-page summary to that point.
FORMAT: Use standard fonts and standard sizes, preferably Times New Roman or a Courier font, at least 12 pt, and standard margins and indentations, please.
HEADER: include title and category, and sub-category if applicable.
NO AUTHOR'S NAME anywhere on manuscript or synopsis.
ATTACH SYNOPSIS to the end of your manuscript pages.
USE Word or RTF. Please don't use Word .docx because many judges can't read it. Coordinator will help if you need help.
No cover sheet needed. Your email serves this purpose.
ENTRY FORM is found at http://dellejacobs.com/royalascot
If you can't access this, contact the coordinator for help. Fill out entry form and submit it.
PAYMENT: Check or PayPal. Use one of the links on the entry form. Follow instructions on the link. Any checks must arrive by the contest deadline.
EMAIL: to contest coordinator at theroyalascot@gmail.com
Entry Form, attached to email
Complete entry, attached to email
Subject Line of the email: RA- plus the title of your entry (may be abbreviated).
You may put a message to coordinator in the message box.
Please keep an un-altered copy of your submission in case of problems
Each entry will receive three judges in the first round, at least one published in romance fiction, and another published or a major contest finalist. Royal Ascot Score Sheet is used and judges are encouraged to write on the entry, and the entries and score sheets will be returned to the entrants after the first round of judging.
Discrepancy judging will only take place if there is at least a 30 point spread between the two lowest scores, and the entry would have a possibility of finaling with a higher total score.
Only three entries in each category will become finalists. If necessary, any ties will be resolved before the final round , using a fourth judge.
Note: If the sub-genre of any finaling entry is not one acquired by the final round judge, an attempt will be made to obtain a read from an editor who acquires that sub-genre. This editor will not participate in judging. All final round judges place priority on story quality, not acquirability.
ANY QUESTIONS? NEED ANY HELP? JUST ASK: theroyalascot@gmail.com
Thanks for your interest! We look forward to having you in our contest.
Delle Jacobs,
Royal Ascot 2009 Coordinator
Setting must be at least partially in the British Empire during the Regency period
ReplyDeletePossibly stupid and nitpicky question...would this exclude an entry set in Spain or Portugal during the Peninsular War, at the Congress of Vienna, in Brussels during the run-up to Waterloo, etc.? It seems to me like such a book *should* count as a Regency, as long at least one of the protagonists is British, but none of those places are the British Empire.
Actually I meant to add that, since I love military books. I figure wherever the British Army, Navy or Marines or Ambassador Corps were is fair game for a Regency. Have I missed anything? A British citizen caught in USA when the war begins? Ambassador's daughter in Brazil? Daughter of a deceased surgeon visiting her cousin in Brussels when suddenly Napoleon crosses the river at Charlerois? I've read all of those in Regencies.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Susan. I'll be sure to add those. Just have to think of a way to put it.
Hmm...maybe "Settings outside the British Empire are accepted if the hero and/or heroine is connected to the British military, naval, or diplomatic service"?
ReplyDeleteNow I've read your revision...never mind my previous comment! Your wording is much better.
ReplyDeleteI decided to go broader. Any British citizen during the Regency period. I could see an American hero and British heroine in Egypt running for their lives from Napoleons troops, all the time being mortal enemies. Or something like that. Hm, I think I'll write that...
ReplyDeleteI'd read it! I've got the germ of an idea for a Battle of New Orleans story, but I don't know if it'll come to anything, or even what genre it might be. (I seem to be an era writer rather than a genre one. I've written romance manuscripts, my WIP is an alternative history/military adventure, and I have ideas for Regency mysteries and an Age of Sail romance/adventure series. Oh, and there are the India books I'm going to write as soon as I figure out what I want to do that's not a complete retread of the Sharpe prequels.)